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Migrate PostgreSQL views to MySQL

[PostgreSQL to MySQL Converter]  [Tutorial]  [Types Mapping

When migrating database from MySQL to PostgreSQL one of the most complicated steps is conversion of views. This whitepaper discovers basic rules of this conversion.

  1. PostgreSQL built-in function AGE must be mirated into MySQL as follows:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION age(date_end datetime, date_start datetime)
        DECLARE res VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '';
        DECLARE n_years, n_months, n_days, n_hours, n_minutes, n_seconds INT;
        SET n_years  = TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, date_start, date_end);
        SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_years YEAR;
        if (n_years > 1) then
            SET res = CONCAT(n_years, ' years ');
        elseif (n_years = 1) then
            SET res = '1 year ';
        end if;
        SET n_months = TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, date_start, date_end);
        SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_months MONTH;
        if (n_months > 1) then
            SET res = CONCAT(res, n_months, ' mons ');
        elseif (n_months = 1) then
            SET res = CONCAT(res, '1 mon ');
        end if;
        SET n_days = TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, date_start, date_end);
        SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_days DAY;
        if (n_days > 1) then
            SET res = CONCAT(res, n_days, ' days ');
        elseif (n_days = 1) then
            SET res = CONCAT(res, '1 day ');
        end if;
        SET n_hours = TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, date_start, date_end);
        SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_hours HOUR;
        SET n_minutes = TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, date_start, date_end);
        SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_minutes MINUTE;
        SET n_seconds = TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, date_start, date_end);
        SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_seconds SECOND;
        if (n_hours > 0 or n_minutes > 0 or n_seconds > 0) 
            SET res = CONCAT(res, LPAD(n_hours, 2, 0), ':', 
                LPAD(n_minutes, 2, 0), ':', LPAD(n_seconds, 2, 0));
        end if;
        return res;
    END $$
  2. PostgreSQL expression $date + $interval must be converted into MySQL function call DATE_ADD($date, INTERVAL $interval_units, ) according to the table below:

    PostgreSQL Interval   MySQL Equivalent
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 day')::date   INTERVAL $n_units DAY
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 hour')::date   INTERVAL $n_units HOUR
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 minute')::date   INTERVAL $n_units MINUTE
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 month')::date   INTERVAL $n_units MONTH
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 second')::date   INTERVAL $n_units SECOND
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 week')::date   INTERVAL $n_units WEEK
    ($date + $n_units * interval '1 year')::date   INTERVAL $n_units YEAR
  3. Every occurrence of DATE_PART($date_part,$date) must be replaced by EXTRACT($date_part FROM $date)
  4. PostgreSQL type casting operators expression::type must be converted into MySQL CAST(expression AS type) according to the types mapping table.

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