Migrate PostgreSQL views to MySQL |
[PostgreSQL to MySQL Converter] [Tutorial] [Types Mapping] |
When migrating database from MySQL to PostgreSQL one of the most complicated steps is conversion of views. This whitepaper discovers basic rules of this conversion.
must be mirated into
MySQL as follows:
DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION age(date_end datetime, date_start datetime) RETURNS VARCHAR(100) BEGIN DECLARE res VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE n_years, n_months, n_days, n_hours, n_minutes, n_seconds INT; SET n_years = TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, date_start, date_end); SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_years YEAR; if (n_years > 1) then SET res = CONCAT(n_years, ' years '); elseif (n_years = 1) then SET res = '1 year '; end if; SET n_months = TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, date_start, date_end); SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_months MONTH; if (n_months > 1) then SET res = CONCAT(res, n_months, ' mons '); elseif (n_months = 1) then SET res = CONCAT(res, '1 mon '); end if; SET n_days = TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, date_start, date_end); SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_days DAY; if (n_days > 1) then SET res = CONCAT(res, n_days, ' days '); elseif (n_days = 1) then SET res = CONCAT(res, '1 day '); end if; SET n_hours = TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, date_start, date_end); SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_hours HOUR; SET n_minutes = TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, date_start, date_end); SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_minutes MINUTE; SET n_seconds = TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, date_start, date_end); SET date_end = date_end - INTERVAL n_seconds SECOND; if (n_hours > 0 or n_minutes > 0 or n_seconds > 0) then SET res = CONCAT(res, LPAD(n_hours, 2, 0), ':', LPAD(n_minutes, 2, 0), ':', LPAD(n_seconds, 2, 0)); end if; return res; END $$ DELIMITER ;
$date + $interval
must be converted
into MySQL function call DATE_ADD($date, INTERVAL $interval_units, )
according to the table below:
PostgreSQL Interval | MySQL Equivalent | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 day')::date | INTERVAL $n_units DAY | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 hour')::date | INTERVAL $n_units HOUR | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 minute')::date | INTERVAL $n_units MINUTE | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 month')::date | INTERVAL $n_units MONTH | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 second')::date | INTERVAL $n_units SECOND | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 week')::date | INTERVAL $n_units WEEK | |
($date + $n_units * interval '1 year')::date | INTERVAL $n_units YEAR |
must be replaced by
EXTRACT($date_part FROM $date)
must be
converted into MySQL CAST(expression AS type)
according to
the types mapping table.
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