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How to resolve Oracle errors

On this page you will find how to resolve Oracle errors that can appear when using Intelligent Converters software. If you experience Oracle error that is not listed here, contact to Intelligent Converters team using Feedback Form

I have multiple Oracle homes installed on my system. Can this cause a problem while using Intelligent Converters software?
Yes, it will be a problem, since the program doesn't know to which Oracle home it should connect. You can resolve this using TNS_ADMIN environmental variable to point to the directory where you wish to take tnsnames.ora from. Or you can set TNS_ADMIN parameter in the Windows registry as follows:
1) open regedit
3) you will find subkeys named HOME0, HOME1, etc. Select the one you wish to use with the database converter.
4) add TNS_ADMIN variable for this home and enter the path to tnsnames.ora file in this variable
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ORA-06413: Connection not open
If you run the database converter on 64-bit Windows, the most probable reason of the error is that executable module has been placed into folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." while Oracle does not allow bracket symbols in client application. In order to fix the error, copy all contents of product's installation folder into another location that does not contain brackets in the path.
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ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified
This is a very common error caused by either local copy of the tnsnames.ora file or listener configuration or database name aliases. So, we recommend to check that:

Below is an example of correct TNSNAMES.ORA:

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname_or_IP)(PORT = 1521))
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P: Error "ORA-12500: the listener could not start a server process..."
R: The process of starting up a dedicated server process failed. The executable could not be found or the environment may be set up incorrectly. Verify that the ORACLE Server executable is present and has execute permissions enabled. Ensure that the ORACLE environment is specified correctly in LISTENER.ORA. If Oracle server is running under MS Windows NT/2000/XP, check that service 'OracleService<data source name>' (where <data source name> is an actual name of destination Oracle data source) is running on the database server machine.
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P: Error "ORA-12505: the program could not resolve service name..."
R: The service name specified in the connection was not found in the listener's tables. Check to make sure that the service name is correct. The services that are currently registered with the listener can be obtained by typing: LSNRCTL SERVICES <listener-name>
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P: Error "ORA-12541: no listener..."
R: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running on the database server. Start the listener on the destination machine using 'lsnrctl start' command.
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P: Error "ORA-12545: connect failed because target host or object does not exist..."
R: Oracle suggest ensuring that the ADDRESS parameters (in the TNSNAMES.ORA file) have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.) If the protocol is TCP/IP, edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file to change the host name to a numeric IP address and try again. It could be a network connectivity problem. Try pinging the host. This error has been observed on a laptop when the database was local, TCP/IP protocol used but the network card had been removed.
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ORA-12640: Authentication adapter initialization failed
The most probable reason of the error is incorrect record in SQLNET.ORA file. By default SQLNET.ORA is located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin folder). Open it with any editor and find entry 'SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES'. It has to be as follows:

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ORA-12705: Invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified
This error occurs when Oracle failed to extract regional settings (language, territory, or character set) or server settings do not match client. Compare Oracle server language configuration with local settings and edit local settings if necessary. First, extract NLS parameters from Oracle server:

SQL> SELECT * FROM nls_database_parameters;


Then find local NLS settings stored in Windows registry and compare it:

  1. run regedit
  2. open "HKLM\Software\Oracle\KEY_<SERVICE NAME>" key, where <SERVICE NAME> is the name of Oracle service you're trying to connect
  3. find NLS_LANG value under this key
  4. if it is defined to "NA" or differs from NLS_LANGUAGE.NLS_TERRITORY.NLS_CHARACTERSET value received from Oracle server above, change it. In our example it should be AMERICAN.AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252

If the problem persists after these steps, learn the following two articles giving detailed instructions how to diagnose and fix this error:
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P: The application failed to start because OCI.dll was not found.
R: OCI.DLL is supplied by the Oracle Corporation and is a part of the Oracle Version 7.3.4 (or later) client software installation. Check that you have Oracle client and networking components installed on the machine where you run our software from. Also please make sure that the path to Oracle components folder is in $PATH system variable.
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P: After entering all Oracle connection settings properly I've got the following error: "Oracle data source does not exist. Check to verify correct name was given.".
R: It means that the program failed to connect to the destination server using the selected method. To bypass this error you can try the following trick. Leave both "Server" and "Port" fields empty and enter in "Database" field the entire connection string as follows:

    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=IP address of Oracle server)(PORT=1521))

Of course, you need to replace "IP address of Oracle server" in the sample above with the actual value of IP address.
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If you came across some other kind of problem while using Oracle related converters, please contact our support department.