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SQL Server to MySQL Types Mapping

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Both SQL Server and MySQL have similar set of data types. Some of them are compatible with each other, while the rest are not. When designing the schema of custom (non-standard) types mapping, it is necessary to remember the following compatibility matrix for popular data types of Microsoft SQL and MySQL. In tables below all valid type mappings are marked green (with restriction on data if any), every prohibited or dangerous type mapping is marked orange.

Text / Binary

CHAR dest. length >= source length dest. length >= source length Possible truncation of text dest. length >= source length dest. length >= source length Possible truncation of text
VARCHAR dest. length >= source length dest. length >= source length Possible truncation of text dest. length >= source length dest. length >= source length Possible truncation of text
BINARY dest. length >= source length dest. length >= source length Possible truncation of data
VARBINARY dest. length >= source length dest. length >= source length Possible truncation of data
TINYBLOB Source length <= 255 Source length <= 255 Possible truncation of data
TINYTEXT Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
BLOB Possible truncation of data
TEXT Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
MEDIUMBLOB Possible truncation of data
MEDIUMTEXT Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data


(-128 ... 127)
If source is out of range -128...127 use UNSIGNED Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
SMALLINT Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
INTEGER Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
BIGINT Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
DECIMAL Precision and scale should be the same Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data
FLOAT Possible loss of precision Possible loss of precision Possible loss of precision Possible truncation of data
DOUBLE Possible loss of precision Possible loss of precision Possible loss of precision

Date / time

DATE Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data Possible truncation of data